10 signs your twin flame is communicating with you


Do you ever wonder if your twin flame is communicating with you?

I know I did, but I never knew what signs to look for to know for sure.

It was quite frustrating, to be honest, I wanted nothing more than to be certain about whether or not they were communicating with me.

That’s when I started doing some research.

Heck, I even went to see a psychic and asked for advice!

The result? Well, I’ve got a nice list of signs that your twin flame is communicating with you, ready for you to use!

1) You have constant thoughts about them

One of the first signs that your twin flame is communicating with you is that you have constant thoughts about them.

This is your mind’s way of acknowledging that you have a connection with them, and that you’re aware of this fact.

When you have constant thoughts about your twin, it means that you’re thinking about them a lot more than you do your other friends and family.

This is a clear sign that there’s something more to this connection, and that you’re meant to be together at some point in the future.

And the best part?

If you’re having thoughts about your twin flame, then they’re probably having similar ones about you too.

This might be a sign that they’re attempting to contact you, but you don’t know how to respond.

I know, I didn’t really believe this at first, either.

I was like “What do my thoughts have to do with whether or not my twin flame is communicating with me??”

Well, the thing is, thoughts are energy, and when your twin flame tries to communicate with you, they’re sending you messages with their thoughts.

If you think about it, it’s quite logical.

Now: even though you might not realize it consciously, your subconscious will pick up on that energy, and you’ll start to see the signs of communication in your life.

That’s when you’ll notice, for example, that your twin flame pops into your head almost out of the blue.

Whenever that happened, I thought it was simply my own doing, but I was wrong.

The fact is, your twin flame is trying to communicate with you, and it’s only because of that that you’re thinking about them so much.

So how do you respond to this?

Well, if you want to know for sure whether or not your twin flame is communicating with you, then the best way to do this is to start paying more attention to your thoughts.

Ask yourself: “Am I having constant thoughts about my twin flame?” If the answer is yes, then they’re probably trying to contact you.

2) You have dreams about them

Another sign that your twin flame is trying to contact you is that you have dreams about them.

If you’re dreaming about your twin, then they’re trying to make a connection with you.

You see, dreams are a powerful way to make a connection with someone, and many people actually don’t know that!

Dreams are just as real as our waking hours, you just don’t remember them afterwards.

Dreams are a great way for you to make a connection with your twin, and for them to make a connection with you.

If you’re having dreams about your twin, then they’re probably having similar ones about you too.

This might be a sign that they’re attempting to contact you, but you don’t know how to respond.

You see, for the longest time, I thought dreams were merely a fabrication of my own imagination.

And to some extent, that’s true, of course.

However, dreams are also a very powerful way for your twin flame to communicate with you.

Now, this is not something that you can consciously control.

Similar to your thoughts, your dreams might just be your subconscious picking up on your twin flame’s energy and showing you in the form of a dream.

Or, you could be dreaming about your twin flame because they’re trying to communicate with you.

In any case, if you want to know for sure whether or not your twin flame is trying to contact you, then the best way to do this is to start paying more attention to your dreams.

One thing that has helped me a lot with this is keeping a dream journal.

A dream journal is basically just a journal of your dreams, which you can then look back on in the future to see if any of them have any significance to you.

I’ve been doing this for about a year now, and I’m getting a lot of good results from it.

The more you record your dreams, the easier it will be to remember them!

3) There are synchronistic events happening for you both

One of the clearest signs that your twin flame is trying to communicate with you is that there are synchronistic events happening for both of you.

If you and your twin both have the same number show up on your license plate, or you both see a red balloon at the same time, then this is a clear sign that they’re trying to make a connection with you.

These are clear signs that your twin flame is trying to make a connection with you, and you should consider reaching out to them.

If you don’t, you might miss out on a great opportunity.

If you see any of these signs, then they’re almost certainly trying to reach out to you.

You just have to have the courage to respond, and you can do that by making the first move.

Now: if you know your twin flame already, then you can simply talk to them and figure out if you are experiencing similar synchronicities.

If you don’t know them yet, pay more attention to what is happening around you.

I noticed that whenever I thought of my twin flame, I would see a statue or a picture of an angel show up almost instantly.

Or sometimes, I would get hints on where to go next, like a card to a certain coffee shop, or an advertisement for a certain airline.

If you’re constantly receiving these types of hints from your twin flame, it’s time to follow them.

4) You receive confirmation from a gifted advisor

If you’ve been trying to figure out if your twin flame is communicating with you or not, then you might want to consider seeing a gifted advisor.

This can be a psychic, or even a spiritual healer.

If you talk to a gifted advisor, then you could receive confirmation that your twin is trying to reach out to you.

This is something that you can use to help you decide whether or not you should reach out to them.

You can use this to determine whether or not they’re trying to contact you.

You see, gifted advisors have a special connection to the spiritual realm and can use this to help you decide whether or not your twin flame is trying to make a connection with you.

If you go to see a gifted advisor, then they can tell you whether or not your twin is trying to reach out to you.

You can use this to determine whether or not you should make a move.

Now: I’m gonna just be honest with you, I did not really believe in psychics, at first.

I wasn’t sure what to think of them and I figured a lot of them were frauds.

But regardless, my friend convinced me to try going to a psychic at Psychic Source, which is an online service.

Even though I had my doubts, I decided to give it a shot.

Honestly, I was really positively surprised when I went to see a psychic and she told me that my twin flame was trying to reach out to me.

Not just that, she also told me exactly what steps I should be taking next in order to move along my twin flame journey.

I didn’t know what to think at first, but I went home and thought about the information that she gave me.

After thinking for a while, I decided that it was definitely worth reaching out to my twin flame.

I decided that it was worth taking the chance and contacting them.

It’s important for you to know that not everyone will receive confirmation from their gifted advisor, depending on your personal situation.

Now, looking back, going to that advisor was the best thing I could have possibly done in that situation, so I’m really grateful I did it.

I don’t want to gatekeep any of this info, so I can highly recommend you check them out, too!

Click here to get your own love reading.

5) You keep hearing your favorite song

One of the signs that your twin flame is trying to reach you is the fact that you keep hearing your favorite song.

If you hear your favorite song seemingly out of nowhere, then there’s a good chance that it’s your twin who’s trying to communicate with you.

This is often a sign that your twin is trying to reach you, as this is something that they usually do when they’re trying to make a connection with someone.

If you keep hearing your favorite song, then you can be pretty sure that your twin is trying to contact you.

You see, energy works in strange ways sometimes, and one of those ways is hearing songs or having the radio play random songs out of the blue.

If you keep hearing your favorite song, especially right while you’re thinking about your twin flame, that is a huge sign that they are trying to communicate with you!

6) You see signs that are only for you alone

This is something that only happens to a select few people, but it’s still a sign that your twin flame is trying to communicate with you.

If you see signs that are only for you alone, then your twin is trying to reach out to you.

You see, this is a sign that only very few people receive, and it’s often a sign that your twin is trying to make a connection with you.

Now: what could those signs be?

Well, if you already know your twin flame, then they are probably something very personal, like finding a receipt to the restaurant you had your first meeting at.

Of course, this wouldn’t mean much to anyone else, but to you, it carries a lot of meaning.

Personal details like that are super important and can tell you a lot about who your twin flame is and whether they are trying to contact you.

Now: how does that communication work?

Well, they were focusing so much of their energy on you that they were able to make another connection with you, which is why they were able to send these signs.

7) You hear a certain phrase over and over again

If you keep hearing a certain phrase over and over again, then there’s a good chance that your twin is trying to reach out to you.

This is a sign that only very few people receive, and it’s often a sign that your twin is trying to make a connection with you.

You see, when your twin flame is trying to communicate with you, they will often focus on a certain phrase or mantra that they want you to hear over and over again.

Now: how does that communication work?

Well, they were focusing so much of their energy on this particular thought that your subconscious picks up on it! Pretty cool, huh?

But honestly, that didn’t really work out for me. I kept having the same thought stuck in my mind, but I just didn’t know where it was coming from or what it meant.

That’s when a gifted advisor really helped me out.

I mentioned it earlier – I went to Psychic Source and they really took their time to listen to me and what I had to say.

It was really nice to feel so much of a connection, and I felt like they really cared about me as a person.

I enjoyed talking to them and really felt that they were there for me.

And the best part about all of this?

They helped me to figure out what my twin flame was trying to tell me with this phrase and I finally figured out what I needed to do!

Long story short, if you are at a loss for what to do, I really recommend finding a psychic you can trust and see what they have to say.

Click here to get your own reading.

8) Your animals react in strange ways

If you notice that your animals are reacting in strange ways, then there’s a sign that your twin flame is trying to reach you.

Some animals are able to sense when a twin is trying to reach someone, and they try to warn them.

This is a sign that only a few people receive, and it’s a very clear sign that your twin is trying to contact you.

If your animals are reacting strangely around you, then it’s likely that your twin is trying to reach out to you.

This might be a sign that they’re attempting to contact you, but you don’t know how to respond.

Now: the reason this happens is pretty simple: animals are very sensitive when it comes to energy and vibrations.

And when you have a twin flame, their presence in your life is very powerful.

When your twin flame tries to communicate with you and sends out their energy, the animals pick up on it and respond.

And if you don’t know how to deal with this, then it can be really stressful for your animal.

Now, you might be wondering how you can tell that your animals are picking up on your twin flame’s energy.

Well, for me, my cats started acting really strange.

And when I say strange, I mean STRANGE.

Even though they were usually pretty calm, they started meowing like crazy.

They were meowing and moving around, and they would even wake me up in the middle of the night because they were all over me.

And when I checked them out, I noticed that their eyes were dilated and that they didn’t seem to be very happy at all.

It was weird, but I figured it had to do with my new job and being stressed out.

But then, a few weeks later, my cat started acting really strange again.

This time, she started scratching at her ears like crazy – something she had never done before.

I tried to figure out what was going on, but I couldn’t figure it out – then one day when I actually got into contact with my twin flame, she just stopped her weird behavior altogether.

I didn’t make the connection before, but now I realized that she was acting up because of that.

9) You feel a nagging feeling somewhere in your body

If you notice that you have a nagging feeling somewhere in your body, then there’s a good chance that your twin is trying to reach out to you.

This is a sign that only very sensitive people receive, and it’s often a sign that your twin is trying to reach out to you.

If you have a nagging feeling somewhere in your body, then it’s likely that your twin is trying to contact you.

For me, this sign was a tingling in my stomach.

It felt like a mixture of being excited and feeling anxious – it was really strange.

The feeling didn’t go away for a long time, and I wasn’t sure if it was related to my twin flame or not.

But then, I realized that the feeling was probably from my twin and that she was trying to reach out to me.

Needless to say, after I finally communicated with my twin flame, the feeling disappeared.

10) You receive a strong sense of deja vu

If you ever receive a really strong sense of deja vu, then there’s a good chance that your twin is trying to reach you.

Deja vu is when you feel like you’ve been somewhere before, but you’re not sure where.

It’s a very strong feeling, and it can be hard to explain.

For instance, I had this experience a few months ago.

I was at a new friend’s house sitting in the yard with my other friends.

And then, suddenly, I felt like I had been there before – it was really strange.

This phenomenon of deja vu can happen a lot, and most of the time, they are completely innocent and simply a little trick of the mind.

Sometimes, however, a deja vu can be a sign that your twin flame is trying to communicate with you.

Maybe they’ve been to the place you are already, or perhaps they are trying to send you a message about that place.

Either way, it can have some significance when it comes to your life.

What now?

Honestly, a lot of these signs are subjective and can be difficult to really spot.

I was quite at a loss for what to do when I first noticed these signs.

Now: talking to someone at Psychic Source really helped me to clear some of that confusion up.

Simply put, if you want more clarity on what you should do, I really recommend seeing a gifted advisor.

Click here to get your own reading.


Watch this Free presentation to discover the missing ingredient that stops the Twin Flame Connection from working for so many people…

WATCH: Twin Flame Connection *Right* Way >>



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