What if your twin flame doesn’t want you? 10 things you need to know


If you feel like your twin flame is unavailable or doesn’t want you, it can be tough to deal with.


Because your twin flame is your other half, the person you were created for.

The two of you are meant to be together and form a bond that is unbreakable. So guess what?

If your twin flame ever rejects you, it will feel like your entire world has come crashing down.

But the reality is that there might be ways to deal with that. And for this, here are 10 things you need to know about why your twin flame may not want you back.

1) Your twin flame isn’t ready for a relationship yet

Have you ever noticed that your twin flame doesn’t seem really interested in romantic relationships?

It’s not that they don’t want to be with you, it’s just that they aren’t ready for a committed relationship.

Believe it or not, some people find it hard to commit to a relationship.

They might not be ready to take that next step. So they’re just not ready yet.

Maybe they’re still learning how to be in a relationship. Or maybe they’ve been hurt in the past and they just don’t feel like being with anyone right now.

Whatever the reason, it’s important to remember that your twin flame isn’t rejecting you because they don’t want to be with you.

They are simply waiting for the right time to commit and make an honest relationship work.

And yes, you’re right, this can be tough for you to deal with when you’re trying to be in a relationship with them.

But it’s important that you respect their decision and don’t try to push them into something that they aren’t ready for.

Just remember that, after all, you’re twin flames! So, sooner or later, they will come back to you, and your relationships will work out!

2) Not every twin flame relationship starts with love

Want to know a secret?

Even if you already feel that you’ve found your twin flame,  your twin flame path might not start with love eventually.


Because sometimes they don’t feel the same way about you.

It can be hard to understand this. After all, how can your twin flame not want you when you feel so strongly for them?

But the truth is that relationships don’t always start out with love. Some people simply fall in love and decide to get together, while others don’t feel like they are compatible with each other.

The fact of the matter is that the same thing happens with twin flames. Even though this relationship is a unique one,  it’s not uncommon for twin flames to eventually end up in a relationship that isn’t based on love.

Sometimes, people just don’t feel like they are compatible and they decide to move on.

Other times, the relationship just doesn’t work out because of other reasons. Even though you feel so strongly for your twin flame, you can still find yourselves ending up together in a relationship that isn’t based on love.

And this is okay!

This can happen to anyone. And yes, it’s okay if your twin flame isn’t ready for a relationship yet. As long as you’re both mature enough to handle the situation and stay patient with one another, then you’ll eventually find yourselves in a good place together!

So if your twin flame is rejecting you, there’s a possibility that they just aren’t feeling it yet.

That’s why you should just take all of this into account and understand that your twin flame isn’t rejecting you because they don’t want to be with you. It’s simply because their feelings for you are changing!

3) You might be in the twin flame separation phase

Did you know that even a twin flame relationship has its ups and downs?

Yes, even though you feel so strongly for your twin flame, it’s really possible that your twin flame relationship is going through a phase that you can’t predict.

Let me explain.

In fact, even though you feel so strongly for your twin flame, it’s still possible that your twin flame relationship is going through a phase where you’re starting to separate from one another.

What am I talking about?

It’s called a twin flame separation phase.

Basically, this means that you’re starting to feel like you’re drifting apart from your twin flame. And even though you still feel so strongly for them, it’s possible that you’re starting to lose touch with one another.

So if this is the case, then it’s okay to just let things happen.

You don’t have to force yourself into a relationship with your twin flame if they don’t want one. It’s perfectly okay for your twin flame relationship to go through a phase where you’re not feeling connected anymore!

And you know what?

The feeling that your twin flame doesn’t want you will fade away. How?

Well, the good news is that there is an end to this phase!

 A professional advisor tells you how

Although these reasons we’re discussing are giving you some ideas about reasons why your twin flame doesn’t want you, we understand that every situation is unique.

Why am I saying this?

Well, sometimes you need professional guidance to discover real reasons about your twin flame’s feelings, thoughts, and behaviors.

The key to this is to find someone trustworthy to speak to.

After a really challenging time in my love life, I found that speaking to an advisor from Psychic Source gave me the strength and motivation to get my life back on track.

The advisor I spoke to was kind, understanding of my situation, and genuinely helpful.

My love reading shed light on my situation in a way I wasn’t able to see on my own, and I was finally able to clear my head and heal my heart.

Click here to get your own personalized love reading.

Not only can a gifted advisor give you specific tips about why your twin flame is acting this way but they can reveal all your future love possibilities.

4) Your twin flame might be afraid of intimacy

It’s possible that your twin flame is just not comfortable with the idea of being intimate with someone else!

It’s pretty obvious once you think about it.

Maybe they’re afraid of being hurt or rejected again by another person. Or maybe they don’t want to get too emotionally attached to another person and risk getting hurt again.

Either way, this can make it difficult for them to get involved in a romantic relationship with you.

And if this happens, then it’s important that you respect them and stay out of their way while they figure things out!

Sometimes all you need to do is give them space to figure things out. And that way, they’ll understand what they need to do and will end up being comfortable enough to get involved with you again.

5) Your twin flame might have something else going on in their life

“The reason why my twin flame’s behavior changed is that they don’t want me in their lives anymore.”

I know that’s what you’re thinking, right?

But let me tell you something.

It’s completely possible that your twin flame is just going through a rough patch in their life.

And if that’s what happens, chances are that the change in their behavior doesn’t have anything to do with you.

Instead, maybe they’re going through a tough time and they need your love and support more than ever.

But what are you doing instead of supporting them?

Let me guess.

You’re worried about your relationship and think that they’re purposely ignoring you. But that’s not the case at all.

Support from you is what they need most now. But if you’re not giving it to them, then they’ll just end up not being able to get your love anymore. And at that point, things will probably get worse for them.

In any case, remember that this can cause them to act differently towards you than they normally would.

6) Your twin flame may have doubts about their relationship with you

This might sound a bit surprising to you but it’s actually quite common.

It’s possible that your twin flame is having doubts about their relationship with you.

Maybe they’re afraid that they aren’t good enough for you and that they don’t deserve to be loved by you.

Or maybe they’re just worried about your feelings and are unsure if you feel the same way about them as they do about you.

Whatever your case is, the truth is that your twin flame might have doubts about their relationship with you and may be wondering if they should end things with you.

Why would this happen?

Well, it’s all about trust.

If your twin flame is doubting your trustworthiness and is having thoughts like these, then they’re probably wondering if they can really trust you to be a good partner to them.

And that means that they might not want to be in a romantic relationship with you anymore after all.

But listen to me.

Twin flames are the most powerful love forces in the universe. They are a perfect match that has been created by God to assist each other throughout their lives on Earth.

Do you see where we’re going with this?

You can’t let your twin flame doubt or question their love for you.

Otherwise, they might decide that you aren’t worth being in a relationship with.

And if that happens, then things will probably get worse for them and the relationship between you two will probably end up being miserable.

7) Your twin flame is waiting for the right time to come back to you

Can I be totally honest with you?

When your twin flame decides to end things with you, they usually don’t do it out of the blue.

Sometimes, they may tell you that they want to break things off with you first and then explain why later on.

But other times, they might not say anything until the time is right for them to come back to you.

I know this can be tough on you when they don’t seem to be opening up and showing interest in being with you again. But guess what?

This means that there is something else going on in their lives that needs attention first. Maybe they’re going through a rough patch, or maybe they’re dealing with some sort of emotional trauma or something else that has been holding them back from being available again.

But when is the right time? What is your twin flame waiting for?

Well, the truth is that this is a very personal thing for them. And they may not give you any indication of what they’re waiting for.

But don’t worry because the right time will come and you’ll know when it has arrived.

And if you don’t know, then just keep showing up for them and being there for them.

But how can you be so sure about it?

That’s why I recommend getting a personalized reading by one of the gifted advisors over at Psychic Source.

I mentioned them earlier.

They’ve been a great source of comfort and guidance when I’ve faced issues in my love life, and their specialist advisers are well trained in the area of twin flame issues too.

So, what are you waiting for?

From giving you clarity on the situation to supporting you as you make life-changing decisions, these advisors will empower you to make decisions about your love life with confidence.

Click here to get your personalized love reading.

8) When one twin flame burns out or gives up, they still exist for one another

Believe it or not, when one twin flame decides that they want to end things with you, they still exist because they are eternal souls that have been designed specifically for each other in order to create something beautiful and new together.

That’s a fact. And you can’t change anything about it, even if you wanted to.

The simple truth is that twin flames have a bond that can’t be broken.

Yes, I know that you feel your twin flame doesn’t want you anymore, but the reality is that they still want you. They just don’t know how to be with you right now because of something else that is holding them back from being available again.

And because of this, when one twin flame decides to leave you and your relationship, the other twin flame still remains in the universe and still exists for you.

See what I mean?

Even though they may have ended their relationship with you, the fact that you are still there for them means that their love for you is still very much alive.

I know this is hard to understand and accept because it doesn’t seem like it makes sense.

Yes, you will have to wait a while. It might take years to come back around. But that’s just how it works.

And I promise that when one twin flame ends a relationship of theirs, the other will still be in their hearts for some time after that. And eventually, it will all come full circle.

9) Your twin flame is mentally or spiritually weak

Did you know that mental and spiritual strength is vital for successful twin flame relationships?

Well, I’m going to tell you something that most twin flame seekers don’t know.

Your twin flame may be weak in their mind and their spirit. And this is because they are dealing with issues that have been holding them back from being fully available again.

They may be dealing with things such as shame, guilt, or secrets that they are carrying around inside of them.

And if your twin flame is mentally or spiritually weak, then they won’t be able to handle becoming a twin flame with you.

Because of this, they will be unable to handle the intense energy that twin flames are designed to create together in order to help each other fulfill their purpose in life.

So if this is the case, you have no choice but to accept that you can’t be a twin flame with them and move on because you simply don’t have what it takes to be their partner.

Even though it may feel like their love for you is still there for a while after they end things with you, it just isn’t enough for them and they’ll eventually realize that.

And if you try to help them through the process of healing these issues and removing these burdens from their lives, then chances are that your twin flame will become more available to you again.

But how can you know if your twin flame is mentally or spiritually weak?

Well, if you notice that your twin flame is dealing with issues that have been holding them back, or feel threatened or down, then this might be a sign that they are mentally or spiritually weak.

Because of this, they will be unable to handle the intense energy that twin flames are designed to create together in order to help each other fulfill their purpose in life.

So if this is the case, you have no choice but to help your twin flame bring their mental energy back and become more available to you again.

10) Your twin flame needs time to heal from past relationships

You know what I’m tired of hearing?

That you can eventually switch to a new relationship once you’ve been through a bad one.

I’ve been through so many bad relationships that I end up getting sick of hearing that phrase.


Because it’s not true.

You can’t switch to a new relationship once you’ve been with the wrong person. You need time to heal. You need time to get over your past relationship.

Similarly, if your twin flame was in a bad relationship, then they need time to heal from their past relationship.

They need time to be alone and not be reminded of the pain that they’ve experienced. They need time to let go of the hurt feelings and the anger that they’re feeling towards their ex-partner.

And most importantly, they need time to let go of their past mistakes and see them for what they are.

Once they do, then they can move on and be brave enough to take a chance with their twin flame.

What does it mean?

It means that sometimes the best thing you can do is to give them space and let them heal.

So, stop pressuring them to take a chance on you and let them heal first. Remember that you can’t always control their feelings and it’s up to them to decide whether or not they want you in their lives.

In conclusion

The bottom line is that the feeling of being rejected by your twin flame isn’t always the sign that you can’t be together.

The simple truth is that twin flames are meant to be together. Yes, you might have difficult times, you might even experience a twin flame separation stage, but once you find your other half, you’ll know that the entire journey is ahead!

Hopefully, you should now have a good idea of the reasons why you feel that your twin flame doesn’t want you anymore. But if you’d still like to get more clarity on the situation, speaking to a gifted advisor is the best way to go.

I mentioned Psychic Source earlier. Based on my own personal experience with them, I know they’re the real deal. Their advisors are kind and genuinely helpful.

So, if you really want to get to the bottom of why your twin flame doesn’t want you anymore, get in touch with an advisor and take your future into your own hands. I did, and it changed my life.

Click here to get your own love reading.


Watch this Free presentation to discover the missing ingredient that stops the Twin Flame Connection from working for so many people…

WATCH: Twin Flame Connection *Right* Way >>



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